Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Another milestone successfully left in the dust today.  I had my head shaved and it was indeed time.   It took me a few days to prepare my mind but after looking at myself in the mirror these last couple of days, it was no longer a major hurdle.  I could not possibly look or feel any worse about the image returning my gaze in the mirror.  My hairdresser has been through this before with other clients and we laughed our way through the experience.  It was actually good to see those finally wispy strands hitting the floor so that I didn't have to catch them in my hairbrush.  The Pac troops are doing their job and that's one more symptom I can forget about for now.  It took her about 5 minutes to complete the job.  She said she was looking foward to seeing what color and texture my hair would reveal upon its return.  She gave me a hug and accepted no payment though I did tip well.  There were very few people in the shop but most noticed and were kind of wide-eyed.  I'm sure at least one may have asked about it after I left.  Kay got a laugh out of my wardrobe selection fo the occasion, a purple scarf and purple polo...."when I am fighting cancer, I shall wear purple"...practice for when I am old.  (If you do not know the poem 'When I am old, I shall wear purple" it's worth a read.  So on to round number three of chemo tomorrow.  Get out there and move around in the sun.  It feels great. 

1 comment:

  1. LuAnn, your biggest cheerleader, tipped me off to this blog. Your optimism is contagious; good luck to you! I'm sure you look beautiful in all your purple. :)

