Thursday, May 26, 2011


And the good news is...."No more taxotere".  Wednesday was a rather eventful day in the chemo room.  There were about 7 or 8 of us in various stages of treatment when the tornado sirens went off and we had to move to anThe inner hallway for about 20 - 30 minutes.  My oncology nurse had not had an opportunity to talk with my doctor the day before so we were waiting for a call from his that morning to see what my drug of choice would be.  In the meantime I was just getting my stream of pre-meds to prepare my body for the cancer drug.  The call from the doctor came in during the tornado watch that he thought the taxotere had definitely conflicted with my body chemistry and that instead of changing to a different drug we would just finish up with two more treatments of my previous two-drug combo.  I was quietly expressing my joy despite the seriousness of the tornado updates.  I have met the enemy with my previous treatments and I know I can handle it.  Plus I will be done ahead of schedule even though I have been delayed a week while recovering from the last treatment.  Once we were back in the chemo room I finished my treatment while dozing in the chair with weather updates in the background.  I have only one more treatment on June 8 (blood counts willling) and will start my radiation treatments after that.   It is wonderful to have this first end in sight.
I had no significant problems at all with radiation last time and don't anticipate any problems this time.
Here's to a good weekend.  I hope yours is as well. 

Monday, May 23, 2011


After re-reading my last post I can tell that I was operating on "chemo-brain".  There was at least one statement that didn't make sense.  This too shall pass and I shall try to do a better job of thinking and typing.  It has been a mostly uneventful last few days.  I was still taking Tylenol for chills and fever on Thursday but could go longer between doses before the chills kicked in.  Nights were broken up by changing wet t-shirts and taking more Tylenol.  Friday I went most of the day without Tylenol, one dose about 3:30 in the afternoon for fever.  Friday night I just went to bed without taking my temp or taking Tylenol.  More wet t-shirts to change during the night.  I haven't taken any Tylenol since that last dose.  I think I can feel some slight fluctuations in my temperature but have decided just to ignore it.  I am feeling stronger and am getting my equilibrium back.  I am wearing shorts and t-shirts again rather than jeans and long-sleeve shirts (for the chills) so that is a good sign.  I am enjoying meals more.  My hands and arms had some pealing skin issues due to the taxotere...a common side effect.  That is better as well.
Nights still find me waking up a couple of times with a damp t-shirt so I'm still not sure what that is about.  And let's not forget the tornado sirens at 11:00 Saturday evening.  Those always help lower the stress level from a taxing day.  :)  I am so glad the really severe weather passed us by once again. Wednesday is my 6th treatment day and I'm not sure what that will bring, but I really hope it is not taxotere.  I'm off for a little longe walk this morning to build up some stamina for the next round.
Don't forget to add some extra movement to your own routine.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Yes, I am still on round 5.  I did not get a treatment yesterday.  I am still fighting the chills and fever but we have the reasons narrowed down to two possibilities.  My blood culture test is still showing no results and the antibiotic I took for five days didn't knock out the fever so I probably don't have a bacterial infections.  Other test results indicate that my body is trying to fight some kind of infection which would make it a viral infection and my body will just have to continue to fight.  However, my doctor noted that he had a patient a few months ago with the same drug protocol as mine and she had the same chills and fever reaction when she had her first dose of taxatere.  They eventually determined that her body had an adverse reaction to the drug itself and they changed her treatment.  So my problem is..........we don't know which one it is at this point. 
So they sent me home to let my body balance itself and hopefully sooner rather than later this sequence of chills and fever will fade away.  I will go back next Wednesday for my next treatment.  The doctor will determine whether it is taxotere or something else.  I am definitely leaning toward "something else".  Since my symptoms for an infection of some kind have been almost non-existent, I find it hard to believe that my body wouldn't have righted itself before now.  A severe reaction to the taxotere seems much more likely to me  but then I'm not an oncologist.  I can only think positive and try to enjoy my extra drug-free week.  I hope I can get a short walk in today between showers. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well it's supposed to be a treatment day today, but I am not at all sure that my body is ready for another onslaught.  I am still fighting some kind of infection that is not showing up in the tests we've done so far.  I am still having chills and fever every day, still scarfing Tylenol, and still waiting to find out what this is all about. 
My blood tests indicate that I should be able to fight off minor infections, but its not happening.  I have become so out of tune with my body that I am not sure how I am supposed to feel anymore.  Last week my fever would jump up several tenths and I wouldn't even be aware of it until I tood my temperature.  I've always been a healthy person before the breast cancer with only the usual colds maybe once a year and maybe the flu once or twice in my whole life.  I've never even had a doctor's prescription for anything until this set of circumstances has set itself up in my life.  I'm going to my treatment armed with questions and will hopefully come away with some answers that make sense.  I have to believe this too shall pass.  I did get a walk in yesterday for the first time in many days and it felt pretty good just to be outside.  Take a turn outside today yourself and think positive thoughts for me.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


What a week I have had or should I say "weak".  I have been fighting a fever daily most of this last week.  The doctor warned me that I might experience a fever mid-cycle due to the new medicine furiously zapping white blood cells during the first few days.  Mid-cycle is the low point and then the next 7 days have the magic shot of neulasta building those little white cells back up again.  My fever those  was off the charts and I had to call in for consulations and finally go in to the office for a blood count.  All of my numbers however seemed to be pretty normal and high enough to fight infection.  I was snarfing down Tylenol every few hours and taking my temperature multiple times per hour.  The oncology nurse was very calming and supportive but that doesn't help much in the middle of the night.  My good friend, L, came over in the evenings just to keep me company and was ready to whisk me off to the emergency room if needed and I was close at one point.
By Friday morning I gave some more blood so they could run a culture and find out what was causing the fever.  I got a heavy duty antibiotic to take for five days.  On Monday we will get some initial test results.  I am finally feeling better today but am afraid to say it out loud and take the chance on waking up the fever gremlins for another onslaught.  My family came in for the weekend to attend my nephew's graduation from William Jewell which I had to pass on.  My sister came bearing wonderful chicken soup, my sister-in-law produced a tender and flavorful pork roast and my brother cut the yard.  Everyone supported me during the multiple takings of the temperature.  Having them here was great even if I had little energy to add to the party.  I am due for another treatment Wednesday.....can't wait???????  Haven't got to walk in awhile and sure miss it.  Having a cold, blustery weekend however did make it easier to just hang out in the TV chair.
Let's hope round 6 is a vast improvement.....only two more to go after that. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Taxotere is really a bear.  I know now why chemo patients would want to stay in bed and pull the covers over their heads.  It is hard to get moving in the mornings.  I slept through most of the night without waking which is great, but awoke with a little fever this morning.  This particular drug is know to cause fevers about mid-cycle and then the body starts to recover.  (That's my hope anyway.)  If the fever gets too high it could be a sign of infection due to low blood counts so I will monitor, take some Tylenol, and drink plenty of liquids. I also have a little swelling in my hands, especially the right one.  If the Pac-troops were my symbol for the first two drugs, then these new forces must be similar to the Navy Seals who took out Osama Ben Laden....real serious dudes.  I just have to believe that they're getting the job done.  I've been working online quite a bit this last week, so that at least has given me something to do.  One of my jobs involves grading Praxis questions for individuals who are trying to get temporary certification to teach in mathematics.  So far, most of the questions I've graded, I didn't know much about until I read the expected responses.  How things have changed in education over the last 40 years.  Well, I was really hoping to get out and walk this morning, but need to wait until the temp goes down.  Don't skip on your exercise today.    

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Did you notice the R5?  I am officially on the downhill side of chemo and actually feeling pretty good after the injection of this new drug Taxotare or something like that.  Hardly any stomach discontent at all, yeah! And no swelling of extremities of any kind.....yet, that is.  I'm told that I may experience a zonk next Wednesday, possibly a fever of some kind indicating the onset of some kind of infection.  This drug can do a number on the blood count at an earlier stage than the last set of drugs.  I'm not sure what "infection" means but I'm supposed to call the office if I have a definitive fever.  Since I didn't experience any zonks with the last set of drugs, I am hopeful that Wednesday will pass without incident as well.  There could also be a rash on the palms of your hands that will actually peel the skin so I am hoping to get a pass on that symptom as well.
I hope to keep my exercise regimen going such as it is and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  I have some online work coming in now so something to do for pay is great as well.  Looks like it's going to be a great weekend so get out there and do some moving.