Sunday, May 15, 2011


What a week I have had or should I say "weak".  I have been fighting a fever daily most of this last week.  The doctor warned me that I might experience a fever mid-cycle due to the new medicine furiously zapping white blood cells during the first few days.  Mid-cycle is the low point and then the next 7 days have the magic shot of neulasta building those little white cells back up again.  My fever those  was off the charts and I had to call in for consulations and finally go in to the office for a blood count.  All of my numbers however seemed to be pretty normal and high enough to fight infection.  I was snarfing down Tylenol every few hours and taking my temperature multiple times per hour.  The oncology nurse was very calming and supportive but that doesn't help much in the middle of the night.  My good friend, L, came over in the evenings just to keep me company and was ready to whisk me off to the emergency room if needed and I was close at one point.
By Friday morning I gave some more blood so they could run a culture and find out what was causing the fever.  I got a heavy duty antibiotic to take for five days.  On Monday we will get some initial test results.  I am finally feeling better today but am afraid to say it out loud and take the chance on waking up the fever gremlins for another onslaught.  My family came in for the weekend to attend my nephew's graduation from William Jewell which I had to pass on.  My sister came bearing wonderful chicken soup, my sister-in-law produced a tender and flavorful pork roast and my brother cut the yard.  Everyone supported me during the multiple takings of the temperature.  Having them here was great even if I had little energy to add to the party.  I am due for another treatment Wednesday.....can't wait???????  Haven't got to walk in awhile and sure miss it.  Having a cold, blustery weekend however did make it easier to just hang out in the TV chair.
Let's hope round 6 is a vast improvement.....only two more to go after that. 

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