I saw my oncologist yesterday to get a final checkup and all of the blood count numbers are good. He said that they should continue to increase as my body continues to outgrow the effects of chemo. He said that I could notice some beginning hair growth as early as next week. Then it would probably take about three months to grow to about an inch in length. So that means possibly my own hair length back by Christmas.
He gave me the go ahead for radiation treatments and wants to see me again in three weeks to see how that is going. He will then probably prescirbe Tamoxifin for me to take orally over the next five years. I'm already scheduled for my first radiation treatment this afternoon. We will then set up a daily M-F schedule for the next five weeks. It's about a 20 minute drive to the clinic and about 15 minutes or so for a treatment once we get going. So looks like about an hour a day will be on my schedule for July. It's good to see gas prices going down. :) I'm still taking my daily walk/jog each morning and have been adding in some afternoon upper body and toning exercises. It must be working since I have been sore from the new demands on my muscles. Looks like we are going to have a few sweltering days of heat in good old KC
so stay cool and Happy 4th of July.
Awesome! Glad to hear there is good news.