Wednesday, March 9, 2011


For all you texters out there that's Chemo-Round 1-Day2.  I hope it doesn't catch on. :)  I woke up this morning after a more sleepless than sleeping night, but the nurse said that that might be likely.  However, I do have medical advice to take naps as needed though I've never really had trouble justifying naps over the last few years. In fact I'm a firm believer in naps.  Rolling around in bed did give me more time to think since I still haven't been able to follow researched advice that getting up and moving to another room to read for awhile would make you sleepy again. So here's a thought.  If the PET scan showed no other detectable cancer in my body, then are all of my little Pac troops out there eating more healthy cells than they normally would thereby making my chemo symptoms potentially worse. Or will my symptoms progress more quickly since the normal cells are destroyed more quickly.  My visual image will therefore have to have my Pac-ers and Pac-ettes being very slim and trim little troopers without the rounded stomach but nice tone muscles instead.
I won't see my doctor again for two weeks so I guess I will have to hang on to that question.  I guess that helps explain the medical advice again to eat a high protein and high calorie diet thereby making more new normal cells to replaced the lost ones.  A common misconception is that you will lose weight on chemo due to the various side effects but just as many patients gain weight if they handle the diet correctly.  It also apparently depends on the cancer you are treating and the type of chemo drugs you are getting.  My hope is to hang in there at my current weight and still due diligence with the diet plan.  My normal daily wardrobe of sweats and tee-shirts probably won't be noticably punished but my jeans fit really well right now and holding my breath or keeping the snap open is not an option.  Oh well, time will tell.  Ladies out there get a mammogram if you are over 40 and haven't had one in a while.  Fifteen minutes and you're good to go.

1 comment:

  1. The visualization and good positive thoughts have got to be all for the best. I hope you start feeling better soon.
