Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's been a great three days to week number two of chemo.  The pac-er's and pac-ettes have been doing a great job (at least in my mind) and very unobtrusively at that.  Good job, gang.  I haven't had any big let down in energy levels at this point, still jogging and throwing in some toning and weight-band exercises as well.  Slight soreness means is good.  I was a whirling dervish of spring cleaning on Monday.  Boxed up unused stuff for charity, rearranged a couple of areas and generally "uncluttered". Tuesday, I recovered and Wednesday helped a friend unclutter some of her "stuff" as well.  With the weather warming up I have a patio project in mind and plan to work and hour or two on that during the good days.  With the lowering of my white blood count yet to hit, I am noticing some tenderness in my mouth along the gum line and a back wisdom tooth.  Yes, I have yet to surrender my widsome teeth even though my dentist has tried to move me down that road more than once.  I hope I don't regret that decision during this chemo journey.  Here's my salute to a great St. Patrick's day for those of you who celebrate and hope the rest of my week is uneventful .  I hope that I can watch the Missouri Tigers progress through the first round of the NCAA tournament.  I won't mind a bit if KU and K-State do as well.    

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