Sunday, March 13, 2011


Ah-ha, three good days in a row.  I have the inside scoop now.  "All things in moderation" isn't really such a bad philosophy.  I am also figuring out the parameters of my new intestinal paradigm.  It turns out that a few times over the last three days I've just been hungry.  How about that?  I had a partial burger and fries Friday good. (Notice the "partial" versus moderation philosophy).  I got released by my surgeon on Friday for exercise of my preference so I went for my first "moderate" jog in about six weeks on Saturday.  It lasted 28 minutes, a little over two miles probably, then I walked for another 22 minutes or so.  I had a great deli sandwich for dinner with some cake for dessert.  That also went well.  I went for a 42 minute, still moderate, jog this morning (but then again that's probably close to my regular speed) with a 10 minute walk cool down maybe 3.5 to 4 miles all together.  It does feel good at this point.  I'm off to meet some dear friends this evening to have some catch-up conversation and good fellowship.  I hear snow is on the way...glad I don't have to go anywhere important in the morning.  I think I will work on some spring house cleaning this week.  According to a variety of sources my next hurdle will be the white blood count let down which could occur about the 7 - 10 day mark with the onset of some mouth issues.  We shall see.  If you are a teacher and on spring break, do give yourself a break and enjoy time away from the kiddos.  Those last 10 weeks are a long haul.  And by the way.....all of you out there following my journey...thanks for the good vibrations coming my way. 


  1. It's really been great to see you doing so well this week. Keep it up!

  2. cake? cake for dessert??? where was I? kidding aside, you seem to be handling everything very well..... your spirits seem high and the exercise is always good! love the cat on the mantel! be good, take care, and God Bless you!
