Monday, March 28, 2011


Yes, I had a somewhat ragged stomach over the weekend, similar to KU's ability to play basketball on Sunday.  My stomach discontent will pass, however, I'm. not sure how long it will take KU fans to get over this loss.  I haven't seen so many missed baskets since my nephew played basketball in third grade.  No offense, Kyle.   My stomach at least feels better for a while after I eat.  I think it's just trying to recover after all of the Pac troop skirmishes on Days 1, 2, and 3 and that just takes some time.  At least I know what's happening now and just need to move on with my daily routines.  I spent a couple of hours on Sunday working through my federal taxes using the online fillable forms.  I must stay it wasn't too bad, actually very well set up and easy to navigate.  I think I even got a better refund than my first run through with trying Turbo Tax.   Yeah!!!  Now if I can wade through my three state forms over the next few days, I can use my federal refund to pay Kansas and Missouri and still have some left over.  Good plan....yes?  I didn't quite get in my usual hour of exercise over the weekend but did today.....inside though not outside.  Later in the week I hear we might get some warmth back.  Lots to look forward to.  Don't forget to get your "movement" in today.....yes it all counts. :)

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